RADIOTTY.ZIP 29,305 03-06-91 Get Teletype News Off Shortwave
RADSCN11.ZIP 76,255 07-22-92 RADARSCAN v1.1; Command-line controlledprogram which plots high-resolution colorradar maps from text files containing rawNational Weather Service radar data. It's anexcellent tool for pilots, amateur weather
RADSIM30.ZIP 420,182 05-01-95 RADIOSIM v3.0 <ASP> - Simulation of a radio-electric link (satellite link, terrestrialradiolink, mobile radio, etc.) in presence ofnoise, linear and non-linear distorsion, andinterferers. Most digital and analog
RBD103.ZIP 24,719 04-26-91 Resistor Band Identifier- Handy!
RC85PR15.ZIP 52,002 11-15-91 Programs Acc Rc85 Parms/speech By Modem
RC85_PRG.ZIP 49,766 01-01-90 Program ACC RC85 repeater by phone
RDKI11.ZIP 137,667 02-18-95 RADIODESK 1.1 - Database, tips and tricks conRADIODESK 1.1 - Database program for SWLs (shNow the mess on your desktop should finally stool for everybody who is already engaged or
REFLST1.ZIP 4,863 05-24-91 Kenwood Service Bulletin Reference List
REFLST2.ZIP 4,911 05-24-91 Kenwood Service Bulletin Reference List
SCANH310.ZIP 77,223 08-27-93 Automatically generates help files from TP7source
SCANUTIL.ZIP 92,082 10-29-92 Use with SBDR201 or 310
SCAT20.ZIP 159,263 02-05-92 Scat V2.0; Aids in the design of HighFrequency Amplifiers by means of theirScattering Parameters. Scat is for Electronicand Microwave Engineers, Radio Amateurs, oranyone involved with high frequency amplifier
SCHEM1_2.ZIP 103,652 03-21-92 Schematic Plus v1.2 Circuit Drawing Packag
SCHEMAII.ZIP 174,971 04-06-90 Schematic Drawing Demo Program (Good)
SHORT.ZIP 39,806 10-30-92 Maintain a Database of SW stations heard
SHORTHAM.ZIP 2,748 10-30-92 LOCAL and area HAM radio nets and infopropagation conditions
SHUTTLE.ZIP 54,710 10-29-92 Track the space shuttle
SIM68102.ZIP 80,651 10-30-92 Sim motorola 68102 IC
SKEM10.ZIP 105,544 08-11-92 SKEM 1.0 is a user friendly schematic drawingprogram. It allows you to easily and quicklydraw and/or print professional lookingschematics.
SLICKIMD.ZIP 54,589 08-30-90 Intermod detector for radio engineering
SMITTY.ZIP 28,084 10-30-92 Smith Chart Xmission line pgm (Ham Radio)
SMRTRK94.ZIP 418,100 01-22-92 SMART TRACK v. 0.94p for MS-DOS. Replacem
SNR.ZIP 27,378 10-14-90 SNR Utility
SOL202W.ZIP 341,041 05-11-95 SOL Version 2.02W is a Windows utility toallow viewing of the W1AW PropagationForecast Bulletins in graphicsl format.Includes many configurable options to allowyou to view the information in several
SOL25-3.ZIP 71,057 12-11-93 Plot solar flux & sunspot data using W1AW pr
SOL252.ZIP 65,234 09-21-93 Prop Forecast Utility Vd2.5, by WA4TTK
SWLG291.ZIP 70,234 10-29-92 Comprehensive Guide to English Languagebroadcasts
SWLGUIDE.ZIP 106,208 01-10-95 SWL GUIDE - Short Wave Radio Listening GuideReal-time directory of programs and stationsfor Short Wave Listeners (SWLs). SWL GUIDEdisplays program and station informationalongside a world map that shows transmitter
SWLPT2.ZIP 46,078 10-30-92 reference - Very thorough - Aug 89 2/2
SWRAD35.ZIP 248,673 04-25-95 SWRADIO 3.5* Build a sensitive shortwavereceiver for less than $5. Complete info,including schematics and parts sources. AlsoListeners, such as freq. band descriptions,pirate radio, how 2 on QSL cards, & a
TAS501.ZIP 378,278 03-10-93 Tas 5.01. Technical Analysis Scanner Upgr
TCM.ZIP 51,870 11-10-91 Ham Radio Prog. Designed To Key Morse Code
TDB3.ZIP 25,844 11-30-94 TDB3.ZIP A Vaccum Tube cross referenceprogram. The user is allowed to update, add,delete, edit and print the tube data theyselect of the whole data file.
TENX10.ZIP 130,881 06-28-91 10-10 Member Manager
TERATIME.ZIP 40,292 10-29-92 World timezone map continuous updates.
TERRA50Z.ZIP 78,043 10-30-92 New version of Terra*Time tells world time
TFPCX210.ZIP 152,686 12-07-93 TFPCX v2.1 - The Firmware PC Extented by DG0
TG.ZIP 78,451 10-30-92 Timeglobe-v2.0-Earth rotating on it's axis
TH78E.ZIP 4,118 02-28-93 Secret Functions by FC1JSO.
THENET.ZIP 3,993 10-30-92 Ham radio NordLink manual
THINKER.ZIP 133,670 09-15-92 The Thinker Database Program
TLMDC.ZIP 53,784 10-29-92 Realtime DOVE telemetry via KISS
VEFC24.ZIP 20,988 01-10-90 Ve Code Test Validator/timer, W/c Source F
VENDOR13.ZIP 240,098 11-09-91 Electronics Vendors/mfgrs/etc. Full Info
VESTER_F.ZIP 658,722 09-26-94 SSTV/Fax480/WeFax by K3BC
VFOTRAK.ZIP 31,172 10-30-92 Amateur Radio: Lock VFO B T VFO A on Kenwoodseries of RS-232 controlled HF transceivers.
VGA1-2.ZIP 43,654 10-30-92 Two VGA maps for Geoclock
VHFDIR10.ZIP 123,339 01-05-94 VHFDIR v1.0 TERRESTRIAL VHF+ STATIONDIRECTORY of Active VHF-SHF STATIONSthroughout North America.
VHFMAR2.ZIP 10,398 06-11-94 What Every Boater Should Know About VHFMarine Radio. Information on licensing, use,safety procedures, and complete frequencylist for all channel assignments. Thisversion is for all areas of U.S. inland and
VHFPRO.ZIP 30,508 10-29-92 Amateur Radio VHF Probagation prediction
VITERBI.ZIP 9,735 03-18-95 Encoder/decoder for NASA constraint length 7convolutional code
VK3UM702.ZIP 472,449 04-10-94 Popular EME Tracking Program - Updated 04/94)
W9GR_DSP.ZIP 25,013 08-22-92 Source code and object files which accompanythe 1992 QST Magazine article "Low CostDigital Signal Processing for the RadioAmateur" by Dave Hershberger, W9GR.
WALLNOTE.ZIP 1,669 08-27-93 Funny Note For Shack Visitors
WAS.ZIP 45,046 08-28-93 ARRL WAS logo, PCX format, Darlana/KB2EPU
WEATHR.ZIP 502,498 02-13-95 WeatherGraphix - plots high-resolutionweather graphic charts using info from theNational Weather Service. A useful tool forpilots, storm chasers, and weatherenthusiasts.
WHATSHAM.ZIP 6,254 10-29-92 Text- What's Amateur <HAM> Radio - 1/21/90
WHATSUP5.ZIP 94,674 10-29-92 Oscar telemetry decoder
WHDG10.ZIP 109,154 05-15-94 Windows Heading & Country Finder V1.0 - HamRadio program for looking up country data andcalculating heading & distance from acallsign prefix. For MS Windows. ShareWare.
WINELECT.ZIP 132,658 01-23-95 Electronic Calculation Program V2.0 forWindows:
WINWAS11.ZIP 133,335 07-22-93 Windows WAS map by KC4B
WM940601.TXT 3,584 06-05-94 Info File Attached To Wampes NOS 94-Jun-01For Linus/Unix
WNOS5SRC.ZIP 553,253 11-23-93 Source Code For WNOS5, Last Updated 11/23/93
WORLD2.ZIP 96,236 10-30-92 Maps of the world - enhanced mapping program
WORLDCLK.ZIP 19,121 10-30-92 Shows the time around the world
WORLDTIM.ZIP 27,664 10-30-92 Time around the world
WORLDTM.ZIP 13,079 10-30-92 Time around the world
WORLDX.ZIP 103,558 10-30-92 World Map on a Disk
WRLDSTAT.ZIP 56,293 10-14-90 World Statistics
WT.ZIP 19,614 10-30-92 World Time lister. Major cites
WT10.ZIP 19,342 10-30-92 Worldtime 1.0 display local times
WTIME.ZIP 19,185 10-30-92 Display world times from PC clock setting
WWV.ZIP 10,810 03-22-90 an ASCII file. WWV info for HAMS & SWL'S
WX.ZIP 311,414 10-29-92 Ham wx demo supplied by KA1SNA Jay Appell
WX030195.ZIP 59,990 03-01-95 Weather Data - For WeatherGraphix, WeatherVieThe data contained in this file is for usewith the registered versions of WeatherGraphiand WeatherView. Simply unzip and place theis updated daily.
WXGSTA.ZIP 16,841 02-18-94 Updated Station File For Weathergraph
WXMAN10.ZIP 256,671 06-10-94 WeatherMan, version 1.0. A computer programwhich, when used with a Sound Blastercompatible sound card, lets you receive,realtime grayscale weather photos. You musthave a shortwave receiver.
WXMAN20.ZIP 298,087 07-22-94 V2.0 -Receive Weather Maps Using SoundBlaster Ca
WXRDR22.ZIP 85,262 10-29-92 Weather Radar
ZONE.ZIP 13,286 10-29-92 A listing of CQ Zones
_DTMF.ZIP 15,595 07-13-93 DTMF.EXE SoundBlaster DTMF Decoder Uses theCreative Labs SoundBlaster card to DecodeTelephone tones and log them to a file.